TIC-TAC-TOE Matter (SOL 3.1, 3.3)


Grade: 3rd

Time: 45 minutes

Topic: Matter

Concept: Changes in states of matter

SOL: Science:

3.1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which:

a) predictions and observations are made;

b) questions are developed to formulate hypotheses;

c) data are gathered

d) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn

3.3 The student will investigate and understand that objects are made of materials that can be described by their physical properties. Key concepts include:

a) physical properties remain the same as the material is reduced in size.

Oral Language:

3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group activities.

a) Listen attentively by making eye contact, facing the speaker, asking questions, and summarizing what is said.

b) Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group members.

c) Explain what has been learned.


3.10 The student will write simple explanations across all content areas.

Rationale: While children are constantly growing and changing, it is important to them to understand that while some things may change, for example their physical appearances, other things that make them who they are, may not. Matter lends itself to teach this affective concept through the changes of the states of matter. Matter may change physically, but the properties it’s made up of, chemically for example, remain pretty much the same, i.e. ice melting. It’s still H2O, whether it be in the frozen solid or melted liquid form!


– To review the three states of matter.

– To have students be able to identify the different states of matter using various materials.

– To promote the concept of change in some properties, while other attributes remain the same.

– To connect science to students’ every day life.

– To promote a love and understanding of hands-on, inquiry science.



The student will be able to identify the three states of matter; evidenced by their tic tac toe journal and attached checklist.


The student will be able to physically change matter and observe whether the change in appearance changed the state of matter; evidence by tic tac toe journal writings and attached checklist.


The student will be able to relate change in matter to their ever-changing lives; evidenced by journal writing to prompt “Think about things that are different now in your life than they were a year or more ago. Just like matter, you also go through changes. Tell about how something in your life has changed, and whether or not it has made you a different person.”


tic tac toe journals

“Sewer Water” (mountain dew, graduated cylinder, raisons (cut up), sugar)

Direction Folders for Stations

Marshmallows inside of zip lock bags


Ice inside ziplock bags

5 lunch bags with states of matter

Discovery bottles material: 5 empty bottles, water, oil, corn syrup, food coloring, glitter, soda

Advanced Organizer:

Have students in groups make discovery bottles. Have students talk about and identify what the three states of matter are in each bottle.


Hand out tic-tac-toe sheet.

Have students use a different color to outline Discovery Bottles, plus two more activities they did not complete last week.

Tell students all they will need with them at each station is their tic-tac-toe journal, on the back is where they will do their writing at the centers, and a pencil. After students have made their choices and shown you, they may go to the center of their choice, with the instructions, no more than 5 people at a center.

Facilitate group work and meaningful discussion.

Questions for Discussion: Walk around asking students questions pertaining to what they are doing at the stations. Make sure they understand the three states of matter, and how they could potentially change them, what things would remain the same about the matter, etc.

Closure: Have students journal write a response to the following prompt: “Think about things that are different now in your life than they were a year or more ago. Just like matter, you also go through changes. Tell about how something in your life has changed, and whether or not it has made you a different person.”

Homework/Extension: N/A

Assessment: See Tic-Tac-Toe student checklist.

Differentiation: This lesson was differentiated through the opportunities of whole class instruction and discussion, group work, and individual work. This lesson also provided both auditory and visual learning experiences, as well as many hands-on and inquiry experiences regarding matter. The lesson also differentiated for interest, based on the tic-tac-toe format, and students making a choice about which two centers to visit.

Tic-Tac-Toe Matter

Center Directions:

Marshmallow Madness

You will need one bag of marshmallows, your tic tac toe sheet, and a pencil for this activity.

1. What state of matter is the marshmallow? Write this down in your journal.

2. Do you think that you can change the marshmallow’s state of matter? Write down in your journal how you think you could change the marshmallow’s state of matter.

3. Experiment with the marshmallow to see if you can change its state of matter. Did it change? Write down your results in your journal.

4. When you experimented to change the marshmallow’s state of matter you were making a physical change. Can you think of any ways that you could make a chemical change on the marshmallow? Write this down in your journal.

Discovery Bottles

You will need the five discovery bottles from this station, your tic tac toe journal, and a pencil for this activity.

1. Carefully observe what state of matter is inside of bottle number one. Write this down in your journal. (Be careful, there could be more than one state of matter in one bottle.)

2. How did you know that this was the state of matter for bottle number one without touching it? What did you notice about it by moving it and looking at it? What are the principles that you see? Write these down in your journal as well.

3. Repeat this process for the rest of the bottles.

I feel something…

You will need the lunch bags from this station, your tic tac toe journal, and a pencil for this activity.

1. Without looking into the bag, reach in and carefully feel what is inside bag number one. What state of matter do you feel? Write this down in your journal.

2. How did you know that this was the state of matter in bag number one without seeing it? What did you notice about it by feeling it? What are the principles that you feel? Write these down in your journal as well.

3. Repeat this process for the rest of the bags.

Lick a Lot of Matter

You will need your tic tac toe journal, a popsicle, and a pencil for this activity.

1. What state of matter is the popsicle? Write this down in your journal.

2. What do you think would happen to the popsicle’s state of matter if you put it into your mouth? Would it change? What would it change into? Write your predictions in your journal.

3. Put the popsicle in your mouth and see if you can change its state of matter. Did it change? Write down your results in your journal.

4. When you experimented to change the popsicle’s state of matter you were making a physical change. Can you think of other ways to make a physical change happen to the popsicle? Write these down in your journal.

Ice, Ice, Baby

You will need a bag of ice, your tic tac toe journal, and a pencil for this activity.

1. What state of matter is the ice? Write this down in your journal.

2. Do you think that you can change the ice’s state of matter? Write down in your journal how you think you could change the ice’s state of matter.

3. Experiment with the ice to see if you can change its state of matter. Did it change? Write down your results in your journal.

4. What are some other ways we could change the state of matter of the ice, besides what you were able to do in the classroom? Write these down in your journal.

Tic Tac Toe

Student Assessment Checklist

Place a check by performance student completed.

Student Name:

Identified Solids correctly Identified Liquids Correctly IdentifiedGases


Identified ways to change states of matter. Showed effort and thought in Journal Writings



My Matter’s All in a Row!

Directions: Please outline in marker the box “Sewer Water” as your free choice, and two other boxes of stations that you’d like to visit. J

Lick a Lot of Matter




Discovery Bottles

I Feel Something…

Sewer Water

Lick a Lot of Matter



I Feel Something…

Ice, Ice, Baby




Lynchburg, VA 24503

Last modified Thursday November 24, 2011