Scientific Investigation with Bubbles Teacher Name: Gemma Griffin Date: Week of Nov. 17th Grade Level: K-3 Subject: Science Time Frame: 35 minutes Concept: Scientific Investigation Topic: Scientific Method Rationale: Students need concrete experiences with material that are both familiar and meaningful to them in order to better understand and grasp often difficult and abstract science concepts. Students also need experiences to practice the scientific method in order to become better problem solvers and develop higher-order critical thinking skills. Goals: The student will use the scientific method to identify a problem, make predictions, identify procedures, gather data, and draw conclusions. The student will work cooperatively in groups to conduct investigations. The student will discover what surfaces are “bubble friendly and unfriendly,” meaning: which surfaces do bubbles not pop on and pop on, respectively. NSES Standards: Science as Inquiry; Unifying concepts and processes; Physical Science: Air and cohesion. SOL’s: Science – K.1 The student will conduct investigations in which: a) basic properties of objects are identified by direct observation; b) observations are made from multiple positions to achieve different perspectives; c) objects are described both pictorially and verbally; d) a question is developed from one or more observations;
1.1 The student will conduct investigations in which: a) differences in physical properties are observed using the senses; b) simple tools are used to enhance observations; c) objects or events are classified and arranged according to attributes or properties; d) observations and data are communicated orally and with simple graphs, pictures, written statements, and numbers; e) predictions are based on patterns of observation rather than random guesses; f) simple experiments are conducted to answer questions; and g) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn about familiar objects and events. 2.1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which: a) observations are repeated to improve accuracy b) conclusions are drawn based on observations c) conditions that influence a change are defined 3.1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which a) predictions and observations are made; b) objects with similar characteristics are classified into at least two sets and two subsets; c) questions are developed to formulate hypotheses; d) data are gathered; and e) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn Objectives: Cognitive: The student will be able to identify problems, formulate predictions, carry out procedures, make and assess observations, and construct conclusions using the scientific method during a scientific investigation with bubbles, evidenced by completion of an oral lab write-up. See attached rubric. Affective: The student will be able to participate in the oral sharing of a short journal entry that recounts personal experiences they have had with bubbles. See attached rubric. Psychomotor: The student will be able to perform a science investigation with bubbles, by physically testing and orally sharing their observations with the class. See attached rubric. Materials: bubble wand (one per pair) bubble solution various surfaces (desks, grass, plastic, metal, aluminum foil, wool, cotton, wax paper, water, blacktop, etc.) Advanced Organizer: (10 minutes) Have students orally share experience(s) they’ve had with bubbles. Whether it be blowing bubbles, bubbles from the tub or sink, etc. In their account, students should also address what they know about bubbles, for example, they are fragile, and pop easily, they can be carried by the wind, etc. Procedures & Activities: (15 minutes) 1. The students will be put in heterogeneous pairs by the teacher. 2. Explain to students the different stations and materials available, and that they will be conducting experiments to see which surfaces are bubble friendly, and which are not. Have students identify this as the problem. (This can also be conducted outside). 3. Have students orally make predictions about the different surfaces and the effects they will have on bubbles. Have students identify this as the hypothesis. 4.With their partners, students will go to different stations and blow bubbles. Have students identify this as procedure. Differentiation: This lesson will differentiate learning style through varying learner levels, addressed through the heterogeneous pairing of classmates. Closure: (10 minutes) Class discussion: Discussion of OBSERVATIONS Which surfaces are friendly to bubbles? Have students generalize a CONCLUSION about bubbles based on their investigation. Assessment/Evaluation: See attached rubric. Bubbles Lab Rubric Student Name: The student relates the investigation to personal experiences and prior knowledge through oral sharing. _____/5 The student identifies the problem. _____/5 The student develops a hypothesis and makes predictions. _____/5 The student follows procedures. _____/5 The student uses materials correctly and participates to conduct the investigation. _____/10 The student is engaged in making observations. _____/10 The student uses predictions, procedures, and observations to draw a conclusion. _____/10
Total: _____/50
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