Food: Fishing in the Ocean

Abyss Lesson Plan

SOL 5.6





SOL:           Science:





Objective:  The student will identify two nets by name when shown a picture or drawing of those nets.  The student will be able to list 5 foods that come, in whole or in part, from the ocean.  The student will write a journal entry using at least 8 descriptive words about what is happening inside the butterfly container. 


Content:  Two different types of commercial fishing nets; otter trawl and purse seine.  Bottom-dwelling marine life (sand dollars, starfish, etc.)  The fact that most of our seafood comes from the continental shelf.  The butterflies in our classroom are now in cocoons.


Cognitive:  The student will be able to identify fishing nets and explain how they are used.  The student will write a cohesive, descriptive journal entry about the stage of the life cycle that the butterflies are experiencing.


Psychomotor:  The student will be able to move his or her body the way a large net would move to catch fish.  For example, if the student is demonstrating how a purse seine net would circle around a school of fish, the student might slowly circle the room, treating his or her classmates as a school of fish.  Coordination and gross motor development are developed.


Affective:  The student will decide the fate of our butterflies.  If anyone objects to keeping one butterfly inside until it passes away (so that we can closely study the parts of the butterfly), we will release all of the butterflies (as long as it is above 55 degrees Fahrenheit, the safe temperature for the butterflies’ release). 

PP Presentation
Butterfly Container


The teacher will quickly do housekeeping.  Five journal entries need to be collected.  The teacher will give back all completed journals.  Check on Brandon and make sure that he has seen all slide shows. 

Correct incorrect statement about sharks, and tell the class about the shark’s six senses. 

Open the How the Ocean Feeds People PowerPoint. 

Show children the slides and ask questions about what the children see.  Allow children to comment and ask questions.  

Play dolphin and whale sounds from saved web page. 


After talking about the ocean, the teacher will tell the children that she has not seen what has been happening inside the caterpillar container all week long.  The teacher will tell the children that she would like to learn what has been happening from the children.  For today’s journal entry, write the teacher a letter.  Tell her the actions that have happened inside the container, the changes that have occurred since the caterpillars were crawling around last week, what you suspect will is happening now inside of the container, and use AT LEAST 5 descriptive words as you do so.  Also, a diagram with at least 3 labels should be included.


After the children have written for about 2 minutes, the teacher will quietly let children go in groups of 3 to closely examine the container.


Closure:  The teacher will collect all of the journal entries and thank the students for their attention.


How Does the Ocean Feed People?


Objective:  The student will be able to identify 2 of 3 types of nets used in commercial fishing.  The student will be able to name 5 different foods that come, all or in part, from the ocean.  The student will be able to indicate, on a drawing of the ocean, where most of the food from the ocean is gathered (continental shelf).


Content:  Otter trawl nets, purse seine nets, continental shelf animal life that is used for food, technology used to catch fish


Psychomotor Domain:  A student will carefully move the butterfly cocoons from the container to the butterfly house.  This requires gentleness and coordination. 


Affective Domain:  The child will understand that overfishing results in a depleted food supply and, possibly, endangered species of fish.  The child will know that whales almost became extinct but, because of laws that protect them, very few whales are hunted compared to how many were.


Materials:  Laptop (PowerPoint pictures of nets, food), chalk, board, five caterpillars, paper, pencil


Procedure:  The teacher will ask the students about the seafood they have eaten and will make a list on the board of the foods they mention.  The teacher will show the 3 PowerPoint slides and guide the students through an exploration of how the purse seine net helps catch fish.  The teacher will ask students about technology that can be used in fishing.  Sonar, radar, and large nets will be discussed.  For the student’s journal entry, the students will write about what they observe inside the caterpillar container.  Diagrams and adjectives are required.  

Closure:  The teacher will ask a student to collect the completed journals and say good-bye.

Lynchburg, VA 24503

Last modified Thursday November 24, 2011